Sunday, July 20, 2008

O'Reilly's White Supremacist Fears & McCain Agrees

This segment from the O'Reilly Factor is about a year old, but it is worth remembering for what it reveals. Besides, I wanted to learn how to embed a YouTube video into my blog!

It is the ideology and rhetoric of white supremacist racism to stir up fears about the demographic balance of racial groups, and to want to defend the "white-male Christian power structure" through demographic superiority. I guarantee that you will find the exact same kind of rhetoric from explicit white supremacist nationalist groups like the Aryan Nations and the KKK.

I am really surprised that this segment didn't recieve more controversy, say in comparison to O'Reilly's surprise that black folk behave well while out to eat. And to think that O'Reilly can say things like that, and all McCain can do is say "I agree" is incredible.

We should have a democratic power structure shared between all peoples, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Its called equality!

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